Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Miedosa- Scaredy Cat

Good Morning!

Okay so I usually try and wait for something ridiculous/funny to happen to me before I write my blogs because otherwise they are just boring and pointless (I'm pretty sure they still are but hopefully at least some of you get a kick out of the ridiculousness of my life...) Anyways, yesterday just so happened to hold two adventures worth talking about so here are the tales.

First... there is construction in my aldea on a really beautiful house (I'm pretty sure the person building the house is from my town and moved to the states and now has a construction company and is building this new house as a vacation home... or I could have made that all up because I rarely understand the explanations people give me) and I basically have to pass by this house everyday on my way to town or to the place where the buses to Chiquimula are. Because of the construction, there is a ton of water and since it's a dirt road there is also lots of mud (coupled with the huge rocks and unevenness of the dirt I'm sure you can imagine how dangerous that combination can be for someone as clumsy as me...) There are also a ton of really obnoxious construction workers and they ALWAYS heckle me so much every time I pass. Usually I try and just walk by and act like I can't even hear them (which is just silly because they literally yell and are basically right next to me). I also try and keep my head up and act confident so they don't think they are bothering me or getting to me but that poses quite a threat with the condition of the road. Up until yesterday I had been pretty successful in my attempts to ignore them but unfortunately I guess my luck ran out... while I was walking past them (trying to be cocky and confident... talk about a plan backfiring) I tripped and dropped my entire bag of veggies in the mud as well as slip in a puddle. Thankfully, I didn't fall all the way in (cause that would have REALLY been embarrassing) but caught myself and picked up my veggies as fast as I could. The men stopped heckling me for about 30 seconds in order to laugh hysterically, which surprisingly was a nice break from their other comments. I kind of wish I had a different audience for this situation cause I can only imagine how funny it must have looked but I guess we can't have it all...

The next thing that happened was much scarier. Last night I was getting ready for bed so I went to grab my toothbrush (my dental hygiene is impeccable even in Guatemala) when I saw that on my little table where I put all my toiletries there was a scorpion. That is not the bad part. Not only was there a little guy hanging out on my washcloth but there were also about 30 little baby scorpions chilling there as well. They literally must have just hatched because some of them weren't out of their shells (or whatever the heck scorpions are spawned from) while others were wiggling around a little too rapidly. I wanted to take a picture but I was in survival mode so I whipped off my sandal and started hacking the crap out of the entire table. I don't know how many of you have ever tried to kill a scorpion but they really don't die very easily (as if they need more things to make them scarier and more worthy adversaries...) I finally killed them all (as well as knock everything off my table) when my brother came in to see what the commotion was. I showed him the remains and his response was to laugh and say "you don't need to be scared of scoprions kristina. The babies can't sting yet." He also went on to tell me that scorpions are everywhere here and all you need to do when they drop from the ceiling onto your shirt is swipe them off and step on them. I told him thanks for the advice and I'd definitely keep that in mind next time a scorpion falls on my shirt. All in all a terrifying experience but I think I'm braver for it in the long run (silver lining, right?)

Other than that, I have been trying to find things to do without too much success. Apparently lots of things kinda shut down in December because of Christmas so I am just trying to be patient until January. This weekend my friend Jesse is having a Christmas party at his site and we are going to barbecue and have a dance off so I'm pretty pumped for that (time to bust out the worm). I realize this blog is a little lame so I'll try and step up my game for the next one but I hope everyone at home is enjoying the bitter cold while I bask in the sunshine every day :p miss you all oodles!

1 comment:

  1. make me a promise that you WILL do the worm at this party...haha miss you mucho :)
